AJPM Publishes Special Issue on U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Methods

December 15, 2017 – Today, the American Journal of Preventive Medicine published a special issue, entitled Advancing the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Methods: Important Considerations in Making Evidence-Based Guidelines. This supplement includes 11 articles authored by current and former members of the Task Force, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Evidence-Based Practice Centers, and others who work with the Task Force, focused on:

  • Recent methodological updates adopted by the USPSTF
  • Methodological challenges experienced by the USPSTF
  • Strategies for implementing and disseminating USPSTF recommendations

The supplement underscores the USPSTF’s commitment to continue its rigorous approach to advancing its methods and ensuring recommendations are useful and trustworthy. Through this clear, consistent, and transparent application of methods, the USPSTF seeks to help clinicians and patients understand the evidence supporting recommendations for preventive care.