Resources for Using Recommendations in Practice

Prevention TaskForce App
The Prevention TaskForce is an application that includes all Task Force recommendation statements. It is designed to help primary care clinicians identify the right clinical service for each individual patient. Additionally, the app has resources and tools to promote the implementation of the preventive services. You can access the app on your desktop or mobile phone (Apple or Android).
To share this app with your network, use our communications toolkit and download these materials:
- Sample newsletter and website blurb
- Sample social media messages
- Social media graphic
- Sample email
- Banner ads for webpages/newsletters
- PowerPoint slide (PDF, 624 KB)
Please share these materials through your or your institution’s communication channels.
Where to Find Resources Within a Recommendation
To help healthcare professionals put Task Force recommendations into practice, the Task Force includes multiple resources within each recommendation statement. The images shown on the left represent where to find these resources on the webpages.

Clinician Summaries
The Task Force develops clinician summaries for each final recommendation statement that provides key information such as the population and how to implement the recommendation. The full text of the clinician summary is included on each recommendation page, and you can also download a PDF version. You can find the PDF directly under the Clinician Summary box.
- Example of a Clinician Summary (PDF File, 135 KB)

JAMA Resources
All final recommendation statements and evidence summaries are published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). JAMA also develops additional resources including information for patients and podcast interviews with Task Force members. You can find these resources in the Additional Information section under the Related Resources & Tools tab. This includes:
- Patient Pages (in English and Spanish when available)
- Podcasts

Related Resources and Tools
For specific recommendations, the Task Force develops materials to support implementation and includes links to resources from partner organizations to provide more information on the topic. You can find these resources in the Additional Information section under the Related Resources & Tools tab. This includes:
- Infographics
- Discussion guides
- Resources from partner organizations
- Videos
Additional Resources
USPSTF: An Overview PDF, 870 KB | Fact sheet that provides basic information about the Task Force |
USPSTF Overview Video | A 2-minute overview video about the Task Force |
Understanding How the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Works PDF, 863 KB | Presentation that provides overview information about the Task Force, including processes and dissemination |
USPSTF: Who We Are and How We Work PDF, 870 KB | Briefing packet that provides an in-depth overview on the Task Force, including processes, expert engagement, and dissemination |
USPSTF Recommendations Development Process PDF, 130 KB | Fact sheet that describes the process the Task Force uses to develop recommendations |
USPSTF Recommendations Development Process: A Graphic Overview PDF, 501 KB | Graphic that depicts the process that the Task Force uses to develop recommendations |
From Topic Nomination to Clinical Practice: Making a Task Force Recommendation PDF, 5 MB | Presentation that provides an overview of the methods and processes used by the Task Force |
USPSTF: The Primary Care Clinician’s Source for Prevention Recommendations PDF, 116 KB | Fact sheet that describes the value of the Task Force's work to clinicians and their patients |
AHRQ's Support of the USPSTF PDF, 283 KB | Fact sheet that describes AHRQ’s role with the Task Force |
How the USPSTF Gets Input PDF, 295 KB | Fact sheet that describes how the Task Force collaborates with and seeks input from different groups |
USPSTF and Public Engagement PDF, 573 KB | Fact sheet that describes how the Task Force invites input from the public |
USPSTF and Expert Input PDF, 126 KB | Fact sheet that describes how the Task Force engages with experts |
USPSTF and Cost Considerations PDF, 108 KB | Fact sheet that explains that cost of preventive services is not a factor in determining recommendation grades |
Screening for Prostate Cancer Video | Video that provides an overview of the USPSTF’s 2018 prostate cancer recommendation and explains the benefits and harms of screening using the PSA test and the importance of individualized, shared decision making for men ages 55 to 69 years |
Is Prostate Cancer Screening Right for You? PDF, 720 KB | Infographic showing the benefits and harms of screening for prostate cancer for men ages 55 to 69 |
PrEP for HIV Prevention: Let's Talk About It PDF, 150 KB | Discussion guide meant to facilitate meaningful discussion between healthcare professionals and their patients about which patients might be good candidates for PrEP |
HIV Screening & Prevention Video | Video that provides an overview of the USPSTF’s 2019 final recommendations on HIV screening and HIV prevention and explains who should be screened for HIV and who should be offered PrEP |
Medicines to Help Prevent Breast Cancer Discussion Guide for Healthcare Providers and Patients PDF, 147 KB (Also available in Spanish) | Discussion guide meant to facilitate meaningful discussions between healthcare professionals and their patients about medicines that can help reduce breast cancer risk among women who are at high risk |
Let's Talk About It: Starting Aspirin to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke PDF, 191 KB (also available in Spanish) | Discussion guide meant to facilitate meaningful discussions between healthcare professionals and their patients about whether starting aspirin may be right for people 40 and older who might be at high risk for cardiovascular disease |
Current as of January2025